How to Pursue a Career in Hospitality During a Pandemic

2020 market the onset of COVID-19’s devastating power, sweeping over the globe and affecting millions of lives. Reports in 2021 confirmed that around 165 million people around the world were affected by the virus, with the Philippines clocking in 2.2 million COVID cases by September.

The economy has also suffered greatly, with the tourism and hospitality industries as one of the most hard-hit by the pandemic. For students studying at culinary and hospitality institutes and professionals earning their living from this industry, one may think about the long-term damages COVID-19 has wrought.

Thankfully, global health professionals have been working around the clock to produce feasible vaccines, and as of this September report, have managed to administer 5.7 billion doses of the coronavirus vaccine to people all over the world.

Late 2021 has been showing signs of steady progress economically for those in the tourism and hospitality industry. Culinary and hospitality school officials are starting to innovate with how they reach and teach students who want to pursue a career in the industry. With jobs back on the rise in the hospitality industry, students are now clamoring for courses offered at tourism and hospitality schools. Now the question is: which institute should they choose?

The Astoria Group has realized this undertaking as early as the 2nd quarter of 2020, and tasked Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute (ACHI) to develop ways for students to take up tourism, culinary, or hospitality management studies even during an ongoing pandemic. For students, and even professionals wanting to take up a career in hospitality, this is now possible thanks to ACHI.

For most people, the first step in pursuing a career in the hospitality industry is to find a competent institute. ACHI, for one, has a decade-long experience in building relationships with partner-schools and expanding and improving its services by acquiring certified and well-experienced trainers. On top of that, ACHI has the Astoria Hotels and Resorts’ facilities and tools to provide itself with the means to teach through practical learning. Finally, Astoria Hotels and Resorts has adapted to the changes brought by COVID-19 by upgrading its health protocols.

The second step is researching whether the culinary and hospitality school has services that offer learning online. Luckily, students and professionals need not to look further as ACHI has developed its e-learning modules as early as 2020 to offer its core programs such as Housekeeping, Front Office, Food Production, and even Digital Marketing and Information and Communications Technologies. With these offerings, students are afforded their safety at home and can learn anywhere and anytime.

The final and most important step would fall upon the student to decide which program to complete. While most tourism and hospitality schools offer courses fit for the student’s goal, ACHI has diversified itself by offering more than just culinary and hospitality programs. ACHI has also developed webinars for Digital Marketing, Information and Communications Technologies, Finance and Sales, and Customer Service.

With the above steps applied, students are now equipped with the knowledge and training they need to pursue a career even during the pandemic. As people continue to get vaccinated, job openings, especially in the hospitality industry are now picking up. With ACHI’s innovation and adaptation, distance learning is now within reach.

To discover the benefits of training at ACHI, please visit E-LEARNING – Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute. To have a representative contact you, please visit CONTACT US – Astoria Culinary and Hospitality Institute.