Having an online education is the new trend in today’s situation. It is convenient, timesaving, and you can learn from anywhere. The great thing about it is that you can be in control of your time. You decide when to study and when to take a break. However, this can be a challenge for some students as it lacks the physical presence that we are all accustomed to; so, disciplining ourselves to finish on time is a real struggle. That’s why we have taken it upon ourselves to write this article on how you can learn better while studying at your tourism and hospitality school remotely.

1. Invest in a good internet connection.
Do not underestimate the importance of having a reliable internet connection while taking an online class. If your internet connection is spotty or non-existent, you can easily face issues while trying to submit assignments on time or asking for help from classmates and professors. When this happens, it is easy to fall into bad habits and fall behind on your work. There are plenty of affordable options such as local telecom data packages. You may also invest in extra modems or signal boosters to have a stable and reliable connection.

2. Take your virtual class seriously.
It is a must that you treat your online class as you would with any other culinary and hospitality school. Read the syllabus thoroughly – the syllabus is the breakdown of all the different assignments, due dates, and tests that you will be completing throughout the course. This gives you a chance to plan and know what you need to get done each week to stay on track with your homework and study load. Online class works just like a traditional classroom, except that you have more time to complete it. May we remind you, if you procrastinate, chances are you’ll get frustrated and not feel like doing it at all, then give up completely when it’s too late to submit anything! So, imprint in your mind that you are “going to class” instead of thinking, ”Oh, it’s just online, I can finish it later.”

3. Stay proactive.
Whatever you do, don’t shy away from asking questions. That’s the best way to get the information you need to succeed. Find out what time the office hours are at your chosen culinary and hospitality institute and ask questions whenever needed. This is the same as with your classmates. Reach out to them, make friends, and request constructive feedback on your work. There is no need to feel ashamed. Take our hospitality school for instance, our instructors will be happy to explain if something isn’t clear to you, even after you are done taking our courses.

4. Stay focused.
The hardest part about studying is often just sitting down and getting started. That’s why most students feel like they never have enough time to study. But by creating a distraction-free environment, you can make sure that the time you do spend studying is as effective as it can be. Here’s one obvious but hard to do advice: Don’t check your phone. Believe it or not, it can actually help to turn off your cell phone while you’re studying! If you know that your phone will constantly be ringing and buzzing with notifications from apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more, try turning off your phone completely while you’re studying. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive you can be!

5.Take care of yourself.
There will always be times in your life when you don’t feel motivated or you’re feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of being a student. It’s important to look inward for your motivation and remember the goal you are working toward — this will help you stay on track as you work through the challenges. Stay healthy by getting adequate rest, nutrition and exercise and use positive self-talk to reduce anxiety. Bear in mind, that no matter how busy you are, you should schedule time to take care of yourself and spend time with your friends and family. Your success has as much to do with your effort as it has to do with your overall wellbeing.

6. Enroll in a tourism & hospitality school that is well-known for virtual classes.
ASTORIA Culinary & Hospitality Institute (Astoria-ACHI) has developed virtual tourism & hospitality management programs ever since the pandemic hit. More and more lives have been changing because of our accessible education. Not to mention, we have a strong faculty of highly experienced trainers. Whether you are looking to save money on educational costs, add credentials while working at a full-time job, or you are a student looking for virtual immersion, Astoria-ACHI is the right place for you. Learn more about our programs here.
For more on Astoria-ACHI’s virtual programs, explore our YouTube Channel to discover how our culinary & hospitality institute is building future hotelier leaders.