Are you planning on applying to one of the most prestigious culinary and hospitality institutions in Manila, but anxious about the competition that you will face? This is a normal feeling to have, since you are working towards having a successful career. The first and most important trait to have is self-confidence. How can you prove your worth to your future boss if you cannot even prove it to yourself? Believing that you can do it is the main drive you need to be able to finish your tasks. To prepare yourself for when you start your journey in our hotel and culinary school, make sure to read up on the following tips:
Know your worth.
Comparing yourself to others is not fair to you and to your fellow hotel management classmates. Everyone comes from a different background. No matter if you went to the same school or studied the same course, nobody has the same set of skills and knowledge as you. The way that you and everyone else portray what you have learned makes you all special and unique. Therefore, making comparisons is not necessary since you stand out in your own way.

List down your achievements.
It is always good to look back at your journey and see what you have accomplished. From completing your first project to graduating with honors – no matter how big or small, the fact that you were able to accomplish these with your talents proves that you can achieve something if you put your mind to it.

Do your hobbies.
Step away from your hospitality management studies for a moment and make time to do what you love. Whether it is cooking, exercising, painting, planting, or playing, the activities you do inspire creativity. When you are passionate about something, you put effort into it since partaking in these hobbies brings you joy. You will never know if the skills you gain from these can actually be applied in real life situations.
Step away from your hospitality management studies for a moment and make time to do what you love. Whether it is cooking, exercising, painting, planting, or playing, the activities you do inspire creativity. When you are passionate about something, you put effort into it since partaking in these hobbies brings you joy. You will never know if the skills you gain from these can actually be applied in real life situations.

Know your strengths and weaknesses.
Write down your strengths and weaknesses on a piece of paper. Figuring out your strengths can boost your confidence, while acknowledging your weaknesses can help you find out which aspect you need to improve on. Doing this will benefit you once you start working in the hospitality industry since you have a better understanding of yourself and how you operate in the field.

Now that you have the courage, you can start getting ready for your classes in ASTORIA Culinary & Hospitality Institute (Astoria-ACHI). To learn more about the programs we offer, you can read through our website at For any questions or concerns, we are always happy to lend a hand at
We look forward to seeing you in our classes.